Jul 27, 2010

What I like about you: The food

As you know, I just celebrated my one-year anniversary with China, actually it was on the 24th. Again, I can’t believe it’s been a year. And while it pains me to be far away from friends and family at home, I really, really, really enjoy it here (especially Shanghai). So to all the curious minds wondering why I am not ready to hop on a plane back to the US, I’d like to present to you a few reasons why I like living in China. Some are obvious, the others may surprise you.

I’m going to start with the food.

Ok. This is obvious. Any foreigner will say one of the first things they love about China is the food. While China’s food safety is somewhat questionable, Chinese dishes are awesome! They can be spicy, sweet, flavorful and even fresh. And this isn’t your General Tsao’s chicken or sweet and sour pork (although they do have that here). It’s enough to make you hungry… and now I am hungry.

There’s also fresh fruit on almost every street corner. Long gone are the days when I would snack on chips, crackers or even quakes (Oh how I miss you quakes). I’m very happy to say that I can easily and cheaply get fruit anywhere, anytime in this city. And it’s also in season. While I miss not having strawberries and grapes year-round. At least I know they’re giving me what’s been grown nearby and not what’s been flown from across the globe.

I also love the veggie markets. I’ve found my new veggie dealer and they have great tomatoes, carrots, broccoli and peppers and I can usually get all of this stuff for less than $5.

Did I mention I love how cheap things in China are?

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